Monday 7 October 2013

Fund needed for Jaden’s hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Jaden, my son can’t speak, walk or move. If you are a mother you probably know what I am going through. But you know what, it wasn't always this way. When Jaden was just 5 years he had a near drown and was without a heartbeat for an hour on that day. To my surprise the doctors also told me to get prepared to donate his organs. And I could do was to pray, pray and simply pray so that my son comes back to life! Perhaps God heard me and Jaden woke up.  But my little son woke up with some issues and we all realized Jaden is unable to speak, walk or eat food by mouth. My tragedy started and it is not only about raising such a child but it is also about budgeting his costly treatment schedules. Dear readers if you are reading this, perhaps you are getting my point that I need help for Jaden to continue his Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments and stem cell treatment.

Okay, let me continue with the saga now. Jaden was at the hospital for a month as soon he was released; we started physical therapy, speech therapy and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Jaden's therapist Ray Cralle of Cralle Physical therapy in Delray Beach, Florida has been treating patients with similar conditions for 30 years and he is well known for using unconventional methods to help heal the brain. 

 I do have Aetna insurance and they did pay for that treatment up until January 2012. I am a small self employed Realtor and a private policy is the only kind I can get. The hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the stem cell treatment is $50,000 which is a lot when the insurance will not cover it. It’s still considered experimental for Jaden's condition so they will not pay for this. These oxygen treatments help tremendously with traumatic brain injuries; already, as a result of these treatments, Frank is making wonderful progress, but alas, his treatment is on hold now as I am short of fund. Please Donate for Jaden to help us raise them amount needed for his treatment.

My friends, your donation counts. Whether you can give $10, $25 or $100, each dollar counts and can make a HUGE difference in Jaden’s life. I am on a crusade to raise the fund needed and you can be that ultimate beacon of hope for my son, Jaden

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